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La música: descubrir canciones y bailar 

LYRICSTRAINING - Create an account at lyricstraining.com and complete a beginner or intermediate level activity to go along with one of the songs presented in Spanish. 

RADIO - Listen to Spanish-language radio on Pandora or LastFM and record the names of the artists & songs you like. Search the lyrics and read along while you listen...even you can even sing along! :)

iTUNES LATINO - Explore iTunes Latino for more music.

SPOTIFY - Download Spotify and open up the Top Lists app. Change the area from 'Everywhere' to a Spanish-speaking country. Create a playlist to find songs you like.

BAILAR - Find a tutorial video for a popular dance genre (bachata, cumbia, flamenco, meringue, etc). Listen first, and then get those feet moving and try it out. 


PERIÓDICOS - Read a Spanish-language newspaper and summarize the main idea of the articles in your own words. Some great options are El Nueva DíaLa OpiniónPrimera HoraEl GanchoEl PaísPráctica Español 

WIKIPEDIA - Read an article in Spanish on es.wikipedia.org

CUENTOS INFANTILES - Check out these awesome website to practice reading children's stories: PicocuentosReadlangCuentos de GrimmMySpanishGames, Cuentos bilingüesCiudad SevaCuentos cortosCuentos de AndersonInterpretive Reading Exercises    


TELEVISIÓN - Watch T.V. in Spanish (try Hulu Latino)

NOTICAS - Watch news clips about current events in Spanish and keep a list of words you can identify. Next, write a summary in Spanish using your own words.

CUENTOS INFANTILES - Search YouTube for cuentos infantiles and listen to the whole video.

HOW - TO - Search YouTube for a how-to video in Spanish. Try it!

ANUNCIOS - Watch Spanish commercials online.

PELÍCULAS - Watch movies in Spanish. Search for new ones in Netflix or Hulu.  You can also rent them from the public library or the MSU library for free! Another option is to change the language on a DVD that you already own or one that you've rented.

Las destrezas lingüísticas: 

AUDIO LINGUA - Listen to clips on audio-lingua.eu. Keep a list of key words and write a summary in your own words about the main idea.

GRAMÁTICA - Review any grammar function under the sun on spanishdict.com/grammar. Read the useful summaries before completing the practice quiz.

DUOLINGO - Create an account (it's free!) on duolingo.com and complete lets of lessons to advance your skills in this language learning app. 

LAITS VIDEOS - Watch videos of native speakers from all over the world on Spanish Proficiency Exercises. Read along with the transcriptions the second time through and check for understanding after the third listen using the English translation option. 

APARATO - Change the language of your device from English to Spanish.

SIRI - Have a 10 minute conversation with Siri in Spanish.

VERBOS - Improve your accuracy with verbs by conjugating in multiple time frames using conjuguemos.com. Practice makes possible!

QUIZLET - Make an online vocabulary set on quizlet.com with words you'd like to incorporate into everyday conversations.

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